
Saturday, April 27, 2024

Coming Up Tomorrow On The Dickenbock Report: National Superhero Day

April 28 is National Superhero Day. While Dick Dickenbock believes all radio journalists are superheroes, we report the news in our secret identities. Therefore we are reporting on superheroes tomorrow as well as playing musical reports about various superheroes.

Tomorrow morning, 9-10am, Sunday April the 28th, on the Dickenbock Report on XRAY FM - 91.1+107.1fm & online at xray dot fm.

Stay tuned at the end for a special announcement about the future of the show!

Friday, April 26, 2024

This Week In Self Help (April 19, 21, + 23 2024)

Up there is the picture I used for this week's show announcement, I manipulated it & added the SHR logo, trying to make the image one of delirium. It caused someone on the KBOO web page to say, "That image is visually painful."

Delirium was the theme of this week's Self Help Radio. I was probably too delirious during that show. Here's a direct link to the episode. You will need the username SHR & the password selfhelp to access.

If you'd rather listen to the show on the KBOO website, here is that link. No passwords needed.

The KBOO link also includes this week's episode of Corporate Standardized Programming (which follows Self Help Radio). On that show, I continued the theme of "delirium" with mostly instrumental pieces that I had collected for the show. If you'd prefer to listen to that show on the Self Help Radio website (please remember the username/password combination above), here is the link for that.

The Sunday before all that was The Dickenbock Report, a show celebrating libraries on Thank You For Libraries Day. The show is also on the Self Help Radio web page linked here, or if you'd like you can listen at the XRAY web page.

But even before that - a week ago! - I subbed the KBOO show The Songcircle & played ninety minutes of new releases. You can find it both on the Self Help Radio page & on the KBOO page.

That was a busy week. Maybe you can find something you'd like. Thank you for listening!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Delirious Films

(image from the IMDb)

This week's episode of Self Help Radio had the theme "delirium" & our resident cinephile Chuck stopped by to chat about a few films in which delirium is featured. You can listen to that show at the Self Help Radio website! (You can also listen at the KBOO website too.)

Chuck has prepared some supplemental links - much more in-depth than his brief appearance on the show. To wit:

The Letterboxd list of movies he watched for the show.
The IMDb keyword search page.
& the IMDb list of films available to stream for free elsewhere. Chuck has a caveat: "There is duplication with of some on YouTube but quality is usually better, & their availability may be for limited time."

Chuck posts about the films on his social media sites: Twitter,  Bluesky, & Substack. If you follow him, he'll almost certainly follow back.

Did that make you delirious? Maybe sit down & have some water?

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Self Help Radio 042324: Delirium

Among the things that can cause delirium are: sleep deprivation, drugs & alcohol, pain, mental illness, & radio shows. Radio shows?!? But we're just exploring delirium! Damn you Web MD!

It was a delirious show & there was so much music (including some delirium-inspired instrumentals) that they bled into the third hour I was on the air. That's on the website as this week's Corporate Standardized Programming.

Okay. Listen if you're feeling stable at the Self Help Radio website. (You'll need the username SHR & the password selfhelp.) Or if you'd like, you can listen to all three hours over on the KBOO website. Everything that happens on the show is below. Please enjoy.

& if you can help KBOO out during our Spring Membership Drive!

Self Help Radio Delirium Show
"Recitar! Mentre Preso Dal Delirio... Vesti La Giubba (From I Pagliacci)" Enrico Caruso _Historical Recordings 1906-1914_
"Delightful Delirium (vocals, Helen Forrest)" Artie Shaw & His Orchestra _1939_
"Tu Mi Delirio" Astrud Gilberto & Walter Wanderley _A Certain Smile A Certain Sadness_

introduction & definitions

"Delirium Tremens" Christy Moore _Christy Moore_
"Delirium" Gaye Bykers On Acid _The Nosedive EP_
"Delirious Night (Rough Mix) (Vocal)" The Cure _Disintegration_
"Delirious" The Brilliant Corners _What's In A Word_

our resident cinephile Chuck stops by!

"Delirium" An April March _Woke Up Smiling_
"Aerodeliria" The Loud Family _Plants & Birds & Rocks & Things_
"Drug-Induced Delirium" The Cannanes _The Cannanes_
"Lager Delirium" Bad Manners _Heavy Petting_

interview with Carla Davidson, who has an interesting relationship to Prince's song "Delirious"

"Delirious" Guy Forsyth _Do Me Baby! Austin Does Prince_
"Delirium" Case / Lang / Veirs _Case / Lang / Veirs_
"Delirium" Minnie Birch _Delirium_
"Delirious" Sunspire _Delirious_

interview with candymaker Cordelio Delgado

"Delirious" Cindy Wilson _Realms_
"My Delirium" Ladyhawke _Ladyhawke_
"City Delirious" Lionrock _City Delirious_
"Avante Delirio" Saulo Duarte _Avante Delirio_

interview with Delirium Auditorium proprietor Cedric Dial

"Delirious" At The Spine _Vita_
"Delerium" Paul Benoit _Beautiful Lies_
"Delirium Passes" Anand Wilder _I Don't Know My Words_
"Delirious" No & The Maybes _No & The Maybes_

conclusion & goodbye

"Delirious" The Church _Further/Deeper_
"Flash Delirium" MGMT _Congratulations_

Monday, April 22, 2024

Whither Delirium?

(image from here)

Look at that brain up there! Delirium is a complicated thing! Surely that's enough to have the subject deserve a radio show!

But perhaps you expect more from me. I'm sure you don't, but play along. I was listening to Adam Ant a few weeks back. I was kinda charmed by the rhyme from the song "Desperate But Not Serious." He rhymes "serious" with "delirious" - "your kisses drive me delirious," is the line. I started thinking about the word - the adjective, not the noun - which led me to the Prince song. Having recently had to deal with issues with old family members with dementia, I found I had associated the word "delirious" with mostly unromantic - mostly unhealthy - moments in life.

When I find myself thinking of something too much, it's very likely that I'll find a radio show in there somewhere. I started looking around for songs about delirium & feeling delirious. What I've found will be on tonight's radio show.

Which is on KBOO - 90.7fm in town, kboo dot fm everywhere - from midnight to 2am. I haven't had much sleep today so I might be a bit delirious myself. In its unhealthy meaning.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Preface To Delirium: Oh You Just Know I Gotta Talk About The Endless

(from Sandman # 63)

It had been many years since I'd read a comic when a girl I was seeing in the mid-90s turned me on to the new Sandman. I knew Wesley Dodds. But this was different. & fun.

Especially the concept of The Endless. Though I just went to find the link there I tried not to see all their names - can I remember them? Dream, Death, Desire, Destiny, Destruction, Despair, & of course Delirium. Delirium used to be Delight!

This is not something I'll have occasion to mention on the radio, so I'm mentioning it here. It has been years since I've read the original Sandman comics but I have read a few more recent ones & still find the mythology rich & delightful. It doesn't make me delirious tho.

Did Delirium show up on the Netflix series? I don't think so. I liked that a lot too - it took a few episodes though. Death was great.

Anyway, I don't have much to say. I'm an admirer. But the comic wasn't the inspiration for the show. You'll have to come back tomorrow to find out how that came about.