
Monday, September 25, 2006

Yellow Haiku Wrap-Up

I just got a strange email from a strange young lady who (not so strangely) likes Self Help Radio, & in particular has a fondness for the haiku. In case you haven't heard the show (& if so, why are you reading this?) (not to be a freak about it or anything), I read listener-submitted haikus at the end of each show, & there's more info about the haiku submission process over on

This email I just received, though, basically said this (I shall paraphrase): You just started doing this blog, dude, so why don't post haiku there? Sometimes you read them too fast! Sometimes I'm like late & miss a couple! Take advantage of the web, man. Post haiku!

So I shall. However, I won't post the writers' full names, as I do on the air, just because. If they want to google themselves, they need to do what I do: make my own web pages.

So, without any further folderol, are the winners of last Friday's Self Help Radio Yellow Haiku contest. I print them from the fourth place winner, up, although I got a last minute haiku right before the contest, so I gave it an Honorable Mention. It comes first:

Honorable Mention: David's haiku

Cowardly faded
The color of piss & pus
It's my favorite

Now, the winners:


Hey! I ain’t yella!
I could beat up all o’ y’all!
I just ain’t gonna.


Jaundice is my skin
Wet yellow are my sclera
Hepatitis B


I will fall in love
With she whose eyes are yellow
As Data’s eyes are


Yellow helps me breathe
& to photosynthesize
I’m a sunflower.

I'll try to make this a regular feature on this blog, if I can remember & when I'm not ashamed of your haiku submissions.

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