
Monday, December 18, 2006

2006 Haiku Wrap Up

My first show in KOOP's snazzy new studios went very well, & should be up on the Self Help Radio website by the end of the day today. This week's show - which I will of course talk about enlessly on this blog - will be my world-famous Christmas show. By world-famous, of course, I mean that my mother enjoys it. She taught me what "world-famous" means. (It means that your mother enjoys it. Right?)

Last week's show was made up of my favorite songs of 2006 & it would have been absurd (though, come to think of it, not entirely unlike me) to ask you to write a haiku about my favorite songs, so I suggested you write about the year 2006. Most of you, instead, opted to write about the year ending. This is what you nice folks sent me, & how they ranked, from fourth to first.


I guess this year sucked
But I’m used to them sucking
I didn’t notice


Piano keys held
All weight on crushing fingers
Last chord of the year


Darker earlier
Insert your own metaphor
I’m going to bed


Leaves fall, the year ends
Time swirls down the gutter in
Warm December rain

Ach, ye hade the touch o' the poet this week, dintcha now?

If you are in the mood to write a holiday haiku, visit the Self Help Radio haiku page for more information & to send a haiku. It's better than being published!

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