
Thursday, December 21, 2006

I Answer The Last Letter I'll Answer In 2006!

It's true, I won't be answering any more mail this year. In fact, that's what this letter, from someone named Justin, was about:

Hey gary, why are you having subs for two weeks this month?

Because I will be going on vacation for a couple of weeks. Plus, it's not two weeks this month - it's the last Friday of December & the first Friday of January. Don't you own a calendar?

But I won't be leaving you with just any substitutes: next Friday, the amazing Lisa of The Clear Spot will be subbing SHR, & the week after that, the great Jay Robillard will be subbing. They've both picked great themes: Lisa will do a show about "missing" & Jay's show will feature songs about onomatopoeia.

I will be in Europe & I may blog a little from there, if what I've heard is true, there might be some places that have the internet. Keep looking!

I'll be back to the regular blogging after my January 12th show. You can keep writing me emails!

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