
Monday, January 28, 2008

The Arsonist Is Caught!

In case you haven't heard, a former KOOP volunteer & programmer has been caught & confessed to starting the fire. I must admit, I am surprised it was that particular person, although his name was tossed around as a suspect.

The penalty for destroying what was the work of dozens of dedicated volunteers - him among them! - may be as little as two years in prison. I suppose I am admitting I am a bad person, but I wish he'd get the maximum - twenty years. He knew what he was doing when he set fire to KOOP - he knew he was spitting in the face of the sweat & toil of people with whom he was friends & colleagues. He knew he was destroying work that *none of them* got paid for. It seems like that should be taken into account when they sentence him.

I also hope he is not a little angry that his work was for naught - KOOP is still here, & a stronger station without him.

Enough of this! There are three things you can do to enjoy Gary's KOOP! All are available as we speak at

1) Listen to my subbing of Justin's excellent show The House Call. I hope I did it justice.

2) Listen to my subbing of Ear Candy, featuring a special guest appearance by a spaz named Leah.

3) Listen to last week's Self Help Radio, which was all about my anger about the person who started the fire... & look how much that show accomplished!

That's four hours of Gary. Please consult with your physician before listening to more than one show at a time.

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