
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Whither Indiepop A To Z # 15?

Do you pants ever seem to be making fun of you? Please take that question in whichever way you want as long as it's not the naughty way. Oh, also the weight-issue way. Hadn't thought of that one.

The writer of this blog is trying very hard not to refer to himself in the first person.

What? Oh crap! The Blog Annotator has invaded the Self Help Radio blog!

The writer of this blog is trying to take your attention away from the comment above. The Blog Annotator shall repeat:

The writer of this blog is trying very hard not to refer to himself in the first person.

What's wrong with that? A radio show is not a person, & sometimes (like in this case) the person who does the radio show is really only half a person. Maybe five-eighths. Whatever. The meaning is clear.

The Blog Annotator does not know about this meaning of which you speak.

Take for example one of Blogspot's "blogs of note" or whatever (which Self Help Radio has never been noted for, thanks Blogspite), Cooking With Amy. This is a site with recipes & pictures of food. A quick count yielded over forty uses of the first-person pronoun on the first page. It's a page about cooking! It's supposed to just have directions & lists of ingredients!

The Blog Annotator takes your point. However, the Blog Annotator has checked the first page of this blog & found the use of the first-person pronoun on the last week's worth of posts to number over seventy. The Blog Annotator points out that this blog is supposed to be a supplement to a weekly radio show.

You're a real douche, you know that?

You're an egotistical pansy-assed pseudo-intellectual whose browser cache hasn't been emptied in weeks.

Yeah? Well then you're a son of a virus & a pop-up viagra ad left to grow like scum on a Fox News web site nurtured by the fevered clicks of delusional assholes who daydream of ass-fucking the President while the Vice-President shoots them in the face.


God nothing to say to that, Blog Masturbator?

Um. The Blog Annotator is stunned & overwhelmed by your graphic insult.

Damn right!

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