
Friday, October 17, 2008

Appy Hanniversary

Six year doing this. & still with only one pair of pants.

That doesn't mean I have only spent six years in radio - I been doing this since 1994, when I was either 6 years old, or 60 years old, depending on what will get me more respect. (There is no in-between. Sorry.) (I learned that from William Shatner. Sorry.) It just means six long years of Self Help Radio.

Wait. Is it six? What if it's actually seven? What if it's actually five?

I'm terrible at anniversaries, of course, so the Broken Show is an update - a remake, if you will - of the Broken Show which aired originally October 23, 2002. On a Wednesday. In the afternoon. With a haze in the air that made me think of Pasadena slightly melting.

Pasadena melting? That happens all the time! The sixth anniversary of this Self Help Radio show will only happen once, if I can help it. Visit the SHR website tomorrow in the afternoon to hear this show. You can bring all the booze you want. You'll need it!

Six years old! Now I have to find a good school for my young show. Why did I home-school pre-school? I don't want this show in public schools!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Gary. Happy Anniversary!
Both myself and my daughter (aged 5) have enjoyed listening to SHR over the last 18months. But what has happened to the website? It doesn't seem to be there anymore - just an advert for RadHat hosting.
Hope all is well & that SHR doesn't become an extinct artefact.
Best wishes,
Andrew (Smethwick, United Kingdom)

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