
Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Preface To Magda's Birthday 2008: Why Is This Particular Birthday So Damn Special?

To answer that, I may need to employ verse. This is a song I've been working on for the past thirteen minutes called "High School Band":

  Met a girl from Poland, she was legally sweet
  I gave her my broom so she could sweep me off of my feet
  She took it as a chauvinist dig about how women
    should be the ones doing housework
  & punched me in the face for being a total motherfucking jerk.

I know, it doesn't scan yet, unless Bob Dylan were singing it, but it will once I add more profanity & set it to a totally awesome 1987 beat.

For those of you who think it's way too romantic for the likes of me, I will add that I intend to scream "Kill a cop! Cop a kill!" all through the song in a rad back-up mix-up that will play on a frequency which as well can be heard exclusively by Satanists & Christians afraid of Satanic messages.

All of this for the girl called Magda. Why? What is she? Is she some kind of anthropologist extraordinaire? Does she lay golden eggs? Does she use PowerPoint in ways that shame the common academic? Is this why she gets a Self Help Radio birthday show & no one else does?

Can anyone answer such questions? Or can such questions be satisfactorily responded to with another question? Yes & no, & also yes, but also here's something from the opera Carmen which I believe will further obscure what is truly my clearest of intentions:

La fleur que tu m'avais jetée
dans ma prison m'était restée,
flétrie et sèche, cette fleur
gardait toujours sa douce odeur;
et pendant des heures entières,
sur mes yeux, fermant mes paupières,
de cette odeur je m'enivrais
et dans la nuit je te voyais!

Do you see? Must you see?

Also, I lost a library book on the bus yesterday. If you find it, please get it back to me. I am sad about it.

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