
Sunday, December 05, 2010

Whither Gary's Favorite Electronica 2010?

Sometimes listening to other radio shows makes me think I do too many airbreaks. Sometimes, though, some radio shows I listen to make me wish that the deejays did more airbreaks. Every radio show I listen to I have to listen to once the deejay is on the mic. That's true. If a deejay's talking, I have to listen, which is why I hate listening to talk radio - or even the news - in the car, especially if someone wants to talk to me while we're listening. I just can't tune out the voice on the radio if it's a noram talking voice. I have to listen to it. Um. Was this what I wanted to talk about?

Like last year, I still have tons of electronic releases that I've only listened to once, which I planned to listen to again, which is the sort of criteria for my show - "it's my favorite stuff I've listened to this year, which means I listened to it more than anything else" - I don't know why I put that in quotes, I don't believe I've written it exactly like that before - so technically because I haven't listened to it more than once, it shouldn't really qualify as "favorite electronica." But then again, there's always a chance I missed something. I am pretty sure I have.

Is it somewhat obsessive that I will try to find others' "best of" lists to see if there's something there that I missed? I suppose I am always relieved that most list-making folks don't have the same taste as I do. If I did share so many people's tastes, I might be a better fit for commercial radio, not the independent voices left of the dial. Not that I don't share some people's choices. Most electronica fans, for example, really liked Four Tet's record this year. I did too. But I don't share the modern electronica maven's love of dubstep, & I still tend to avoid dancey electronica as I always have.

It's really all about me, it's true. So what else is new? The best I can say is that it was an awesome year for electronica. The worst I can say is that it's my radio show that I'll be presenting it on.

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