
Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Another Collection Of Alphabetized Indiepop

It's true! The thirtieth episode of the Self Help Radio original production of "Indiepop A To Z" - a rather pointless & probably unending series brought to you by the makers of Self Help Radio themselves - himself - whatever - is now available for your cataloging pleasure at self help radio dot net! The show is guaranteed to fit appropriately in your head or Self Help Radio will personally refund ninety minutes of your time! IMPORTANT: Please read the fine print before asking for a time refund. I'd hate for your lawyers to have to talk to my clocks.

Speaking of meaningless business, I need to point out that, because Self Help Radio is moving (next week) to Tuesdays at midnight, I will be moving the days that I write stuff no one reads in this blog. New blog entries will happen Saturday through Wednesday authorities permitting. Also, if I remember. It's so hard. Plus I'm going out of town on Saturday. Why does this blog have to be so hurtful & take up so much of my time? It's like an obligation imposed by the courts!

Please enjoy this week's Self Help Radio & also the rest of the week. 2011. What a weird idea.

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