
Monday, May 02, 2011

Whither Bounce?

I see that Morgan Spurlock, who (I didn't know) is younger than I am (!), & whom I have to thank for making me stop eating fast food once & for all (I seriously haven't eaten at a fast food restaurant more than four or five times since I saw Super Size Me six or seven years ago) (& those four or five times were basically unusual situations where I simply had nowhere else to eat) has a new movie out about product placement. It has a long title & so far the reviews have been mixed

I mention this because there are perhaps some folks out there that imagine a show with the theme "Bounce" might be about the "American brand of fabric softener" made by Proctor & Gamble. If so, might this be an example of product placement on Self Help Radio?

Of course not! I'm on a non-commercial radio station! I have almost no contact with the outside world! I wouldn't know how to communicate with a corporation to get endorsements anyway. I only recently learned how to embed videos in this blog. Also, & I checked, there doesn't appear to be any fabric softener of any kind in the house. Apparently we enjoy the roughness of our fabrics. I would be a hypocrite if I were to endorse any product I didn't myself use. Or I'd be like everyone else, you know, for the money.

Just in case you were wondering. Self Help Radio's themes are not funded by anyone. It explains, really, the shabbiness of the show.

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