
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Preface To Buses: Wouldn't You Rather Fly?

No. I miss riding in buses. I used to ride buses all the time. But when I became old enough to rent cars (I didn't own a car until later in life because Austin, where I've spent most of my entire adult life, has a great city bus system), I preferred to drive places I could drive to, whether camping in Big Bend or in Utah, or home to the family in Dallas, or wherever.

But I took buses back & forth from Austin to Dallas & Austin to Houston for several years while I was in college. I loved to sit in the front & see the picture window of the world before me. I rode a bus part of the way to Mexico City once, although the majority of the way was on a train, which I loved.

In fact, if I had my preference, it'd probably be in this order of preference: trains (including subways), automobiles, buses, planes. But if Lexington were a bigger city, with a more substantial bus system, I might bus more often. I used to bus to work every day. Every day. Walking to a bus stop. Reading at the bus stop. Waiting for the bus. When I used to smoke, smoking at the bus stop. Wondering if there was a seat on the bus for me. & whom I had to sit next to.

Do you have a good bus story? You should tell me. Maybe I'll tell some bus stories on this week's Self Help Radio!

If not yours, than mine.

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