
Sunday, September 09, 2012

Whither Expectations?

An article on the website written by someone with the amusing name Dr. Lickerman - MD, natch - lays out the four ways we experience expectations & their outcomes:

1) Low expectations, poor experience.
2) Low expectations, good experience.
3) High expectations, poor experience.
4) High expectations, good experience.

Not to mention the worst thing you can hear about, high expectations with an amazing experience too.  Those people are insufferable.  How I envy them!

Which one will Self Help Radio be tomorrow?  (Hint: start with low expectations.  It will save you a lot of grief.)  (That's assuming listen at all.)

Tomorrow, 7 to 9 am, on 88.1 WRFL in Lexington, we examine all sorts of expectations.  I might expect you'd rather listen on the computer, in which case you can find it at wrfl dot fm.  But I have no expectations of you listening to it later on, where it'll be at the Self Help Radio website.

I am not used to being expected; I am much more used to being excepted.

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