
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Did Anyone Miss Self Help Radio?

I kinda missed doing Self Help Radio this week.  I'll tell you a secret: I was in town.  But I was asleep, having arrived the night before from St. Louis, where I saw Louis CK live at a lovely place called the Fox Theatre.  But I didn't have time to prepare a show, & someone named Allie did the show instead, which I haven't listened to, because what if she's much better at doing my show than I am?  What will I do with my life then?

This is an especially tender time because this week is the Self Help Radio's 10th Anniversary!  It's true!  Sometime around ten years ago, the first Self Help Radio aired on a Wednesday afternoon on KOOP radio, 91.7 fm, in Austin.  If I have time this weekend (& why wouldn't I? I don't really do anything) I'll see if I can come up with "ten years of Self Help Radio" facts & figures.  How many shows, how many themes, all the wasted minutes.

Ten years is a lot of time, isn't it?  I don't think I've done any one activity for ten years.  Except this one, I mean.  It's almost like admitting that I've grown old.  It's nearly a quarter of my life I've spent on this radio show!  & it doesn't even like me!

I was glad for the week off.  I think I'd like to do it more often, if only I could do it without missing my show.  I remember a dude at KOOP would make a show for when he was absent & then just give the recording to someone to play - just sit behind the board & play it - & in the recording he would say, "I'm not really in the studio, so don't call!"

All right, so I guess I'll just show up for Self Help Radio every day for the rest of my life, then.

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