
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Preface To Spiders: Didn't You Do A Spider Show Already?

Yeah, but as I explained around the time of my ninth anniversary, I use the anniversary as a chance to revisit an old theme.  In this case, it is me revisiting a show from March 31, 2004, which I hastily put together that week because I had been bitten by a brown recluse spider.

Oh, yeah.  This guy.

It was a fun show, because people called to tell me all their spiderbite stories.  One person even offered to send me pictures of their necrotized skin.  I said thank you but no.

Looking back, I didn't have time (or try very hard) to find good spider songs.  This time around, I am more prepared.  I might not even play the songs I played the first time around!

(I didn't put mp3s of my shows up then, so I don't have the individual shows linked as I do now, so if you want to see the playlist, it's in the 2004 playlist section.  March 31.  You can just search for "spider.")

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