
Thursday, November 08, 2012

I Know, I Know

I haven't put up this week's show on the website.  I guess the week just walked away from me.  Get it? The show was about feet?  It walked away?


Anyway, I am putting it on the list of things I need to do tomorrow.  I will do it tomorrow.  I wish that someone actually wanted to hear the show after it aired, because then I'd feel a bit of pressure to actually take the time to put it up on the website.  But since no one does, since it's about my own obsessive desire to follow rules I put in place for myself years ago, it's easy to shirk when other things - less important things (if you can believe that) to be sure - take up my time.  Like spending all night Tuesday watching election returns until 2am.  Stuff like that.

I need to get my life in order.

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