
Saturday, January 19, 2013


If you pay any attention to anything I do in relation to Self Help Radio (which you don't - why would you?), you might be aware I have little rules I follow which are at best idiosyncratic or at worst a little stupid.  For example, I don't play songs by bands if their only relation to the week's theme is their name, like I didn't play the Flaming Lips on my "lips" show.  If the Flaming Lips had a song about lips, I would...  But they didn't (or didn't have a good one, I don't recall).

This blog also follows some dumb rules.  Here are a couple of them, but they're not exclusively the rules of this blog - I probably have more than I can conjure up right now.

One: I write in this blog five times a week.

Why?  Who knows?  When I check the one thing that I use to monitor tracking, Google Analytics, it tells me that no more than five people a day ever visit this blog, & usually one of them is me, since I re-read my posts after I've "published" them to double-check for spelling or whatever.

On several days in the last month, not a single person visited my blog, or just one person did - & that would be me!

I just do it because I decided to do it, & I scheduled the blog entries around my show.

Two: this is sort of how a week's worth of posts would go (my rules tell me), assuming that my show happens on day five.

First post: whatever I want to write about
Second post: whatever I want to write about
Third post: "Preface to" the theme - but still whatever I want to write about
Fourth post: "Whither" the theme?  Mostly to let folks know when the show's airing.
Fifth post: Links to website & show plus playlist.

Because my show's been on Mondays, I would write Thursday through Monday, taking Tuesday & Wednesday off.

I have to change that now.

Except.  I am doing a show this Monday - not Self Help Radio - but the season finale of Sugar Substitute.  What to do?

It looks like, with my show moving to Monday, my days will shift to accommodate that - I'll write Tuesdays through Saturdays.  But I can't this week.  Since I will briefly be on the air one last time on Monday.

I don't get two days off this week.  I have to write every damn day.

This is all mostly stuff for my head to think about while I ignore important things, but it is somewhat pressing.  & if I think of moving the days I write down to four - or even three - I imagine that I will have let myself down very much.  I certainly don't want to do that!

Why not?  Who knows!

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