
Friday, June 28, 2013

Whither Surrender?

I am waving the white flag because Self Help Radio is forced to surrender this week.  After minutes of pointless fighting & untold losses on each side, Self Help Radio is going to take the more humiliating road & surrender outright rather than admit it wasn't entirely sure what it was fighting about & whom it had been fighting with.  Also, the show is a lot wimpy.

The surrender ceremony (if that's what they call it) will air today from 4 to 6 pm (EST) on 88.1 fm WRFL in Lexington but events can be heard live as it happens online on the helpful website WRFL dot FM.  Documents will be signed, gun salutes may be fired, & if I'm lucky, one of the generals from the other side won't knock me down & kick me over & over & over.

Do listen!

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