
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Preface To Alligators & Crocodiles: Questions & Cartoons

I was thinking about my radio show today & I was thinking I should ask & answer completely ridiculous questions about my themes.  Something along the lines of "Do alligators believe in UFOs?"& "What can a crocodile tell me about my mortgage that another old lizard can't?"  But then I might have to come up with answers.  & questions that are only marginally funny might have dreadfully unfunny answers.

A listener wrote to tell me that his favorite alligator in fiction was Albert Alligator in Pogo & it made me think: are there a lot of alligators in fiction?  I could think of only one other, Wally Gator:

Wikipedia has a list of fictional crocs & gators but I confess I don't know most of them.  I wish I were in the animation biz.  I'd make a new cartoon alligator that would be the best of all!  After Albert Alligator, of course.

Finally, is this cannibalism?

(That's what it said on the page where I found the picture.)

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