
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Preface To On Edge: Problems With Nerves

Gary is a worrier.  So is his mother.  Is worrying genetic?

Gary asked his dogs.  The one that understood English did not understand the question.  He said, with bright eyes, "Treats?"  It sounded like a whine.  But Gary understood Doglish.

Gary asked his cats.  They all understood English but they pretended they did not.  They laughed at him behind his back.

Gary asked his wife.  She said, "Why are you worrying about this?"

Gary asked the ugly person in the mirror.  The ugly person in the mirror mouthed his words back at him hatefully.  Then the ugly person in the mirror sneered at him.

Gary asked the Internet.  The internet call him "a fag" & told him "real men don't worry."  However, the internet also told him that he won a lottery in a country he'd never been to - it was a lottery he hadn't even entered! - so Gary forgot all about worrying as he quickly sent his bank information to the nice person who wrote the unbelievable news in terrible English to him.

Then he started to worry about what he would do with all that money.

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