
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snow Daze

It snowed a lot in Lexington yesterday.  The local newspaper talks about how the city dealt with it, & warn that it's going to snow tonight & so there'll be more snow tomorrow.

I shoveled snow for a couple of hours yesterday & today.  Cleared a path for the mail carrier, & for the car, although our street has not been plowed & probably won't be - according to the county's Snow & Ice Control Plan, I don't live on a street that gets any attention.  The plans just go up to "Priority Four"; I'm guessing we're somewhere near "Priority Fuck You."

So I'm not going to drive anywhere, though I could get the car out into the street.  The street!  I've had to help push a couple of cars that got stuck out there.  A few neighbors came out to help as well.  The next-door neighbor, who has a better snow shovel than I do, lent me his, & helped me & the wife finish our driveway.

Snow shoveling is no fun.  Why in the world would Charlie Brown do it for money?  How much money does he really need?
But if he must, where the hell was he today?  I would've given someone money, a few of my books, & a home-cooked meal to shovel my damn walk.  I don't want to have to do that again.

Funny I should think of Charlie Brown.  Shoveling snow is one of those Charlie Brown things.  You hate doing it, you do it, then it snows again, so you have to do it again. Which you hate doing.  Good grief!

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