
Monday, March 23, 2015

I Was On The Radio Today

So I slept the afternoon away.

I thought I was pretty funny on the radio this morning but as usual I got very little feedback.  I don't think that folks in the office - mainly the student directors of the station - listen in there, though there's a radio that's on usually.  Ah well.  Perhaps it's better if I think I am funny instead of people telling me to my face that I'm really not all that funny.

I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, but it's weird how a week off can spoil you.  I might have mentioned how much I like the show Macy & Maria did.  The two of them are a little uncertain about their skills, but they did a super funny bit where one pretended she didn't exactly know what a twin was.  It was well done.

That's all I have for today.  My friend Russell, who pretends to be the Reverend Dr. Howard Gently on the air, has prepared a very funny "word of wisdom" for this week's show, & I just recorded the interview with David Fruchter, who's my favorite resident "expert."  Now I need to go find some food.

More interesting stuff tomorrow?  Maybe?

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