
Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Thank You Note

I am pretty terrible at promoting my radio show, which may be because I am a little ashamed of it, so I hope you don't mind if I take a second to write about it on this blog that I'm sure is only read by a few odd sorts.

You know about my website.  I think there's a link to it on this very blog, besides the one I just added.  Plus it has links to almost everything I'm going to link to below.

Like my Twitter account.  I don't do much there, just let people on Twitter know what I'm playing during my show, but occasionally I make an observation that, probably, isn't all that funny.

Then there's the show's Facebook page.  I don't do a lot of stuff there, either.  I just let folks know when I'm going to be on the air, & then I let them know when the show makes it to my web site.  Sometimes I post videos.  Or links to a pertinent blog entry.  I should do more.  I don't know why I don't do more.

Both of those links work whether you "follow" the show on Twitter or "like" the show on Facebook, but if you do either of those things, it makes me happy.  I'm silly that way.

Something else you don't have to follow is my Tumblr page.  I put my amateur photos on that page.  It has nothing to do with the radio show at all.  I have three dogs & four cats so there are lots of photos of them.  Lots.  But also other dumb things that caught my eye.

Here's one last link that I don't think I've ever shared: this link is to my personal Facebook page.  If you'd like to be my friend on Facebook.  I post the same pictures I put on the Tumblr page plus funny internet detritus.  I also tell folks there when I am doing a show, & also when a show is on my web site.  When I sub a show on RFL, I mention it exclusively on the Facebook page.  That's one thing I only do there.

Hmm.  I don't know exactly why you'd want to be friends with me on Facebook, but I thought I should go ahead & put it out there.  If you think I'll regret it, I'll just note that I regret pretty much everything.

You already knew that.

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