
Monday, April 13, 2015

Timetable Change!

Remember about a week ago when I made an announcement that I was moving away from Lexington & that there would be only five more episodes of Self Help Radio on WRFL?  Well, you know what the Close Lobsters said, right?  "Let's make some plans 'cause they can go wrong."

Because of renovations in its current space, WRFL is moving.  It's a massive undertaking & I don't envy the students there that run the station.  But because of the move - which is happening the first week of May - there's a chance that my last show, which I had scheduled for May 8, might be pre-empted.  Since I will be leaving the city very soon after that, I might not have a chance to do an actual last show in Lexington.  That's probably not important to you, but it is to me.  I need closure, damn it!

So the timetable has changed.  My last show on WRFL will be my May 1st show.  Which means there are only three (3) episodes of Self Help Radio left on WRFL.  Oh no, I may get a little emotional here.

But wait!  I will be subbing another of WRFL's shows, the one called The Bindle, which is also theme-based, on April 20.  For some reason, people at WRFL told me I should do a show about "grass."  Something about April 20 suggested grass to them.  Maybe because spring is in full flower?  Anyway, even though it isn't an episode of Self Help Radio, I'll still do the show pretty much the same way I would do any theme-based show.  As a technicality, then, there will be four (4) more episodes of Self Help Radio sort of.

When will Self Help Radio return?  Ha ha!  I don't dare to set a date for that just yet!

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