
Monday, May 04, 2015

I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself

Is the name of a song by Bacharach & David.  I never heard any of the versions of that song in the 1960s - surprisingly, not even Dusty Springfield's - when I was young, but I did hear Elvis Costello's version - probably from the Live Stiffs record - & I probably didn't know it wasn't an Elvis Costello song.

That's not what I'm writing about today, though.  The song title just reflects my situation.  Without a radio show to do this week, I'm a little at sea.

Oh I know what you're thinking.  Hey Gary, aren't you moving?  Don't you have to put a bunch of things into boxes?  Like books, records, CDs?  & you don't know what to do with yourself?

It's a fair point.  I think I could do both, actually, a radio show & putting things into boxes.  But my days have been structured around my weekly radio show for so long that it's weird to not have to do it.  To want to do it.  But not have to do it.

A friend just Facebook wrote me & said something about me doing radio in L.A.  That is not in any way a done deal.  I will try to find some place to deejay there but there's as good a chance that no one will have me that I will find somewhere to be.  I actually think the odds are kind of bad - maybe 20 to 1 against me.

But also I am a pessimist.  I get that from something in my DNA.  We'll see.  We'll see!

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