
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Swing Of Things

Oh shit! It's Saturday! I have to write in my blog!

Think think think!

I saw Trainwreck this week at my wife's favorite movie theater in Lexington (even though her Jazzercise friends say she shouldn't like it because "it's in a bad neighborhood) & very much enjoyed it.  Also, we were one of only two couples in the theater at the matinee we saw, & no one got shot.  That's a bad joke, I know.  I stole it from a friend on Facebook.  I forgot to say, at the end, "Too soon?"

It was an enjoyable movie, like I said.  There were moments I couldn't stop laughing, & there were moments when I felt moved.  As someone who appreciates rock & roll songs, which are, of course, mostly constructed the same & are different only with singers, melodies, & themes, I can appreciate the average romantic comedy because of the way it moves around the obligatory story pieces.  In this sense, Trainwreck was an above-average romantic comedy.

What else what else what else!

I'm way behind on this week's show, so Monday should be hell for me.  I am, however, going to see Ant Man tomorrow, so that should exacerbate things.  I have very low expectations that I will think this is a great film.  The Marvel movies I have seen recently have given me diminishing returns, & this troubles me, as comic book geek.  I like Paul Rudd, but I never liked the shrinking superheroes, like the Atom.  Though I guess I like the character on Arrow.  But he's not shrinking yet.  Oh well.  Never say never.

Maybe I'll tell you what I think afterwards.  Honestly, it's best to approach these sorts of things with little preconceived notions & hopes.  I loved The Avengers so much that the sequel was bound to be a let down.  Especially when Quicksilver in the last X-Men movie was so much more interesting than the Avengers one.

This must all be really boring.  I have movies on the mind.  & my opinions are worthless, generally.  So ignore them.  I'll think of something more interesting to talk about tomorrow.

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