
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Preface To Indiepop A To Z # 52: Two Thousand Five Hundred

Yep.  This is the two-thousandth, five-hundred discrete "page" or "post" of junk I have placed on this blog.  Twenty-five hundred!  2500.  That seems somehow wrong, in a moral or ethical sense.  I should be up on charges for this!

You could probably guess I am a big fan of both factors & prime numbers, especially of the fact that prime numbers have only two factors, itself & 1.  But 2500 has loads of factors, which are these:

1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 125, 250, 500, 625, 1250, 2500

Here then is a poem composed of words from the posts numbered above:

Just writing that makes my gall bladder throb
My inner skeptic basically has Tourette's right now
You can start the revolution by listening today
If you had fun, it's because we're wired differently

Wet yellow are my sclera
I myself was sampled once
The truth is already plainly delightful
Sometimes to humorous effect

Get lots of exercise in a stale-beer-smelling environment
Tomorrow is the new tomorrow; yesterday is yesterday's yesterday
It's too bad there's nothing other than smoking I can do
To be considered a "smoker" by my cool friends

My host was doing some server mojo
So I can't be horsing around with you right now
It is, however, cheaper than most trips & you don't have to wait in line at all
That seems somehow wrong, in a moral or ethical sense

That's a fun poem & will doubtless lose many awards.  I must however admit to cheating in one way.  The two lines at the end of the third stanza come from the same post (# 500).  Why did I cheat?  Because otherwise the poem would be fifteen lines long instead of sixteen.  That offended me somehow.  I didn't want the poem to be fifteen lines long.  It did not have the makings of a villanelle!

Okay, now, I know a villanelle is a nineteen-line poem & I totally expected for you to call me on my shit.  But you understand, don't you?  Don't you?

Do you?

Here we are, then, twenty-five-hundred posts in.  An achievement, surely, but also most assuredly not, like Perfect Attendance.  Those seeking insight or diversion will scarcely find it here, & yet as a promotional tool for the radio show it also fails shockingly to engage.  (See also: Facebook page, Twitter feed.)  One may as well celebrate, however.  An excuse for a cake with candles is always welcome!

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