
Monday, January 23, 2017


My wife recently had the strep throat.  (Is "strep throat" supposed to have the article before it?  It sounds more rural to put the article before the ailment.)  It's the second time in several months.  The doctor gave her antibiotics & told her she'd be "contagious" for several days.  She feared that she would give it to me, you know, because of all the smooching we do.

But she didn't give it to me.  You know why?  Because I've never had strep throat.  Members of my family have - I think my mother has - possibly one or more of my siblings - but not me.  I've had sore throats before, but the strep throat that was a great excuse for skipping middle school - "Where's Joni Martin?" "Didn't you hear? She has strep throat!" - I never got that kind.  (Which meant of course that there were no rumors about me making out with someone & getting strep throat that way.)

There's a scientific reason for it.  But you know what?  I ain't chancing it.

Sure I might seem way secure - I did say "she didn't give it to me" up there - but tonight my throat felt a little sore so I started sucking cough drops.  When I was a smoker, & got a cold, I'd suck cough drops while I was smoking so it wouldn't aggravate my throat too much.  What a moron I was.  Anyway, this time it's preventative.

Anyway - who wants to stop all that smooching?

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