
Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Whither In The Sky?

(Image from here.)

Why a show in the sky?  How often have I been in the sky, anyway?  I'll tell you: I first got on a plane when I was six - I've probably told this story before - going to Germany with my mother.  I was very disappointed to discover there weren't angels & other celestial beings living on the clouds - the seeds of skepticism were sowed quite early in me.

The next time I got on a plane was when I was eighteen, flying quickly down to Austin for college orientation.  I remember telling my friend Joe, who accompanied me, that it was weird that people get used to flying.  He wrote a note that said, "I was the only one on the plane who knew it would crash." He wanted to be remembered as a prophet, although people might have judged him foolish for getting on the plane in the first place.

It was a few years - six, in fact - that I got in a plane again, flying to Germany again.  Since then, I've flown back & forth to Europe twice, flown all over the country, to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New York, & flown the longest to Australia & back.  Since I can't really sleep on planes, the longer the trip, the harder to endure.  Flying can be exhausting.

But I don't dislike flying.  My sister Pat hated it so much she didn't step on a plane until she was in her late 50s, & afterwards said she'd never do it again.  & she didn't.  I am not so fearful, but I am aware there's something quite strange in being in a metal cylinder in the sky.  Something unnatural.

The world is too big, & it's weird & sad to not want to go see as much of it as you can.  You know?

As for what's in the sky: I am someone who's always looking up into the sky.  I love that we live on a planet that has a moon.  I love the sun, I love all the stars.  I love clouds & how they create such different light situations, not to mention storms.  I love the sudden unexpected sight of a helicopter, or a kite, or birds, in an otherwise empty sky.  I love that there are things in the sky.

Also I think it's cool that we build things called skyscrapers that are like homes in the sky.  I would love to live in one of them, not for long - I will always assume I will have dogs, & I would hate to have to talk the elevator down from the millionth floor to let them out - but for a time.

Well, let's just settle for a show in the sky.  Okay, not in the sky.  About things in the sky.  But technically, since it'll be sent out in the form of radio waves, it'll be in the sky.  Most of my shows have gone into the sky.  Gee!

It's on tonight on 93.9 fm WLXU in Lexington & everywhere at LCR online, from 9-11pm eastern, 8-10pm central. Don't be afraid of heights!  Listen!

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