
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Whither Towers?

Yesterday I mentioned that I liked the new Math & Physics Club record a lot & wanted to play a song from it on the show, so I basically made a theme for the song.  That's today's theme.

Does that sort of thing happen a lot?  It does, sure.  Since every episode of Self Help Radio is based on a theme, I can't just play something I want to play just because I want to play it.  The arbitrary rules I've set for the show don't allow me to just play random stuff.  Every show needs a theme.  Every damn one.

Of course, there are other theme-based shows, & of course they give themselves freeform times.  One of my favorite radio shows in town, Night Skool, will often take a break between themes.  & a show on KOOP, Excavation Nation, was started as a chance to explore a different artist per show, but its host would often just play his collection of 45s, or just random music, when the spirit hit.  Like most instances, it's all me.  I am the one who said to myself, no, I will never "take a day off" from themes.  & it's been like sixteen years almost.  If I started to do it now, it would just be weird.

So, yeah, sometimes if I like a record, & especially if I like a song, I'll make a radio show from that tiny musical seed.  I found lots of great tunes about towers so I think you'll like tonight's episode.

It's on from 9-11pm eastern, 8-10pm central on 93.9 fm WLXU in Lexington & everywhere at LCR Online.

Yes, you can hear it even if you're nowhere near a radio tower.  No, I will not come down from my ivory tower tonight.

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