
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Whither Seeds?

(Image from here.)

Why a show about seeds?  Dude, do you know how important seeds are?  As Thor Hanson says in his book The Triumph of Seeds: How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses & Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom & Shaped Human History: "We live in a world of seeds. From our morning toast to the cotton in our clothes, they are quite literally the stuff & staff of life, supporting diets, economies, & civilizations around the globe."

In fact, it was "reading" that book (well, listening to someone read it to me) (I still say "books on tape" even though they're on mp3 now) that gave me the idea for this show.  Are there many songs about seeds?  Let's find out!

& you can find out tomorrow on this week's Self Help Radio, which will "drop" (as the kids say) at noon at Self Help Radio dot net.  I assume once the show has been planted, it'll grow up beautiful & strong.  & then you can eat it.  Wow, that metaphor got weird fast.  Holy shit.

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