
Monday, August 27, 2018

A Funny Old Email

Hm, I'm not sure I can figure out when this email was written but I wrote it to my friend Carole, who's lately been helping out on the Tuesday Morning Blend, more than twenty years ago when she was Volunteer Director at KVRX.  We had to report our volunteer hours every month, & I did a lot of work for the station.  I thought you might enjoy this.  I've annotated it because I can.


From: (Die Nacktschnecke)*
Subject: Volunteer Hour Report

Hello ladies**,

I am reporting again, at the end of the month, the incredible work that my staff has done the last four weeks.  I hope that you recognize their achievements, etc.

Maintaining the KVRX love list*** - (approximately 30-45 min. @ day)
                                        .....Gary Dickerson

Maintaining the KVRX Web - (oh, he's done at least 6 hours this month)
                                        .....Gary Dickerson

Minor consulting with various KVRXers about web issues (now & then -
                            maybe two volunteer hours, maybe?)
                                        .....Gary Dickerson

Downloading porn for use at Goon Skwad**** meetings (about four hours a day)
                                        .....Gary Dickerson

I think that about covers it.  I hope that that is enough for you bloodsuckers.

Oh, wait.  There is this fellow, a cable deejay named Jacob***** who has been helping me with the Topless 39******.  It takes about an hour (or so) to do the script for the basic list, & I've asked him to also go through the web & find links for bands on the list, & that takes an enormous amount of time, like, two hours a pop (or at least it took me that long).  He's only done that for one week.  So, I figure,

 four weeks basic topless = 4 volunteer hours
 one week expanded topless = 2 hours

He may do it this week as well; I haven't gotten the script from him yet.  I don't see why he wouldn't.  But I wanted to tell you that he has been doing work for the web page, & deserves credit accordingly.



That may not have been interesting for you, but it was for me, especially the ridiculous way I pretend I have a staff (& ruin the whole vibe by actually having someone helping me out!) & also I enjoy the channeling of Groucho with the "you bloodsuckers" line.

Now I really need to go work on the Tuesday Morning Blend for tomorrow!

* Yeah, that was my email address at UT.  I had it from 1993 until 2009 when I moved away.  Some time later they retired the server so even though I wish I could've kept it forever, I wouldn't have been able to even if I stayed.  By the way "Nacktschnecke" is German for "naked snail," which is, of course, a slug.
** Carole was Volunteer Director with someone else.
*** That was the station's mailing list.
**** The first rule of Goon Skwad is that you really don't want anyone from the Goon Skwad to talk to you about Goon Skwad I promise.
***** I don't remember this person at all.
****** That's the snotty KVRX "most played" list.  Not a top ten, a topless thirty-nine.  They still have it, you can see it on their website.

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