
Thursday, February 07, 2019

Whither Valentine's Day 2019: Firting?

(All of these images came up with I used Google's image search for "flirting.")

Look at those pictures up there!  Flirting is super weird!  According to Google, it's apparently only done by white people in their teens & twenties!  If you don't believe me, put "flirting" in the image search & go to town.  Young, white, pretty town.  That's where the flirt is.

Valentine's Day is one of those shows where I kinda sorta revisit a theme, except I don't really.  It's just got to be related to Valentine's topics, like crushes or jealousy, like famous lovers or heartbreak.  You can actually see all the show's Valentine's Day playlists by clicking here & I believe last year's show - it was about roses - is still available to listen to if you want.

Flirting wasn't an easy show to put together, maybe because, as you'll see, there are different ideas about what flirting is.  Flirting is such an inconsequential part, most of the time, of a relationship, that it's often overshadowed by falling in love.  It's usually just about attraction, & often not serious.  But there are some great songs about flirting!

You'll hear them tomorrow, at noon, at self help radio dot net.  I promise it won't be creepy.  I won't be doing the flirting.  Just the songs on the show.

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