
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Busy Day

Lots of stuff still unpacked.  We ate out again tonight though I planned to make food.

It rained most of the day, but nothing too drenchy.  Walked the hounds in the morning, again at night, with the sun peeking through the clouds in the west.  Will I ever get used to the chilly spring again?

Went for a meeting at a local station & signed up to volunteer.  I am not going to be specific just yet but I am not entirely sure this station's for me.  Still, everyone was very nice & the fact that I've been involved with noncommercial radio for twenty-five years seems a big draw.  Will probably start volunteering in a week.

A couple of days ago I did purchase legally some edibles from a dispensary but keep forgetting to eat them.  I've not been much of a marijuana guy but I figure, when in Portland, do as the Portlanders do. & they must do pot a lot.  I have seen one liquor store & there are dispensaries on nearly every block.

Our new cable service has a voice-search command.  It's very weird to watch the wife enunciate into a remote control, "What. We. Do. In. The. Shadows."  But it seems to work.

New Self Help Radio in t-minus nine days & counting.  Oh shit, I need to work on a new intro!

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