
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

New Intro Time Again Again Again Again Again Again Again!

It's that time again - time for a new intro for the show.  I tend to put together a new intro every May.  Why?  Because at KOOP, the new "season" (back when they had two six-month blocks of shows) began in May, & by the time I was at WRFL, that's when the summer schedule began.

Normally it happens around the beginning of May, but during that week I was getting ready to move across the country.  & so, since this Friday will be the first new show in a while, I figured I needed a new intro.  & here it is.

Wait, no fanfare?  Just a link.  All right.

Here's the 2019 Self Help Radio Intro.

Want to hear the other intros?  In seventeen years of show, I've made sixteen.  This is how I spend my life.

You can listen to the 2002 intro (my first!) here.

You can listen to the 2003 intro here.

You can listen to the 2005 intro here.

You can listen to the 2006 intro here.

You can listen to the 2007 intro here.

You can listen to the 2008 intro here.

You can listen to the 2009 intro here.

You can listen to the 2010 intro here.

You can listen to the 2011 intro here.

You can listen to the 2012 intro here.

You can listen to the 2013 intro here.

You can listen to the 2014 intro here.

You can listen to the 2015 intro here.

You can listen to the 2016 intro here.

You can listen to the 2017 intro here.

You can listen to the 2018 intro here.

Oh gosh, I hope it's fine - you'll hear it at the beginning of every show for the next year!

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