
Friday, May 17, 2019

Self Help Radio 051719: May 17th

Amazingly, there have been five episodes of Self Help Radio that have happened on May 17th!

The themes explored were: in 2008, Lemons: in 2010, What Happened?; in 2013,
Caesar; in 2016, Attack!; & lastly, in 2017,

& you know what?  I am making them all available in case you want to listen back over ten years, just because there hasn't been a Self Help Radio in nearly six week and in anticipation of next week's return!

So:  You can click theses links to listen to the href="">Lemon
show: part one & part two.
To listen to the What Happened? show, choose either part one & part two.

You feeling like some imperial Rome-y?  Try the Caesar show: part one & part two.

Does it feel like an attack is coming on?  You're just thinking of the Attack! show, which you can hear in two parts: part one & part two.

Our maybe you believe first will be last, as is the case here.  The show about Firsts, which aired just two years ago, can be listened to like this: part one & part two.

That's five shows of nonsense from (I believe) three or maybe four different radio stations, spanning nine years of Self Help Radio!

(Please remember, you'll need to know that the username is SHR & the password is selfhelp to listen to any of the shows.)

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