
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Whither An Obvious Show?

(This is a logo for this company, but I thought it pretty appropriate for today's post.)

It's no secret that I spend a great deal of time on this show, even though you can't really tell because it's so damn shabby.  But it's also no secret that most of the time the themes I explore are random & uninspired.  It's a whole package!

Not this time.  Thanks to secret Vedic teachings, which I discovered in a Snapple cap, I have begun to work myself into a trance-like frenzy to awaken my inner child to harass my inner teenager to beg my inner adult to heighten my consciousness to an hallucinatory state which resembles lucid dreaming but which the ancients called "lucid waking" & in that state I enter my mind palace (which is more like a mind two bedroom bungalow) & I wander the place until I notice the ants, the ants crawling around, & the ants notice me, also crawling around, & we begin to follow each other, it's a circle, & if the ants are being mean, it's a vicious circle, & if I'm being a jerk to the ants, well anyway, at some point my heartbeat returns to normal, my blood pressure drops from seriously dangerous to pretty dangerous levels, & I wake as if from a blackout, or maybe from a knockout, & I see, written on my arm in bug-bite, a theme I apparently need to explore.

This is however not how "an obvious show" came about.  I can't remember why I wanted to do the show.  You'd think it would be obvious, but no, it's a mystery.

Hey!  I was packing shit up & getting ready to move across the country!  Get off my back!  What do you think you are, dream ants?

Tomorrow at noon - I swear! - an obvious Self Help Radio, at Self Help Radio dot net.

Do you know by the way something good for ant bites?

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