
Monday, June 24, 2019


Last night I wrote this on Facebook:

Every college/community radio station meeting is the exact same college/community radio station meeting.

I don't really think that's true, but I had just returned from the monthly meeting at another community station here in Portland, & it was very similar to pretty much any radio station meeting I have attended in the last 25 years.

Which officially makes it three radio stations I'm getting involved with here in Portland.  If that seems insane to you, well, same here!

Yesterday I ran the board for one station (let's call them station # 1), which is the station that it's been easiest to get involved with (I am going up there to help with their music library stuff).  I like this station a lot, they've been incredibly welcoming, but I don't know if I want Self Help Radio on this station (for some dumb reasons) but more importantly I don't think I have much of a chance getting a show on this station any time soon.

This Thursday I train at another station (let's call it station # 2) & I also think competition is tight for airtime.  They've been the most elusive station at which to get involved - it's been hard to not take it personally.  Anyway, I half-expect the session to get cancelled.  We'll see.

As for station # 3, whose monthly meeting I attended last night: they're opening up applications for the next schedule (starting in September) & even though I've not been trained, I'm being encouraged to apply.  I hope chat with the Program Manager sooner than later to find out more about the process, but there are some reasons why I don't necessarily want Self Help Radio on this station.  I may enumerate them later.

In any event: I sure am keeping busy!

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