
Sunday, September 15, 2019

Whither A Frank Show?

(It's not those kind of franks - never mind.  Image from here.)

You may recall, way back in the good old days of August, when Self Help Radio was still without a radio station to call home, there was an announcement on the show's Facebook page & also on the show's website that the next installment of Self Help Radio would be a show about people named Frank.  Not necessarily famous people named Frank!  Just whatever Frank might have been sung about.  Songs were gathered.  People named Frank were hassled.  Promised were made, money was loaned, hair was combed, shirts were tucked in.  & then: I got sick.

Sick as a person named Frank has ever been sick before.  In retrospect, it might have been amusing to try to make a show, especially with my voice a little croaky & the sniffles my only friend.  But I chose to take lots of cold medicine, cover myself in blankets, & wait for the fever to break.

Then I rescheduled the show, which is happening oh my gosh tomorrow!  At 6am!  On Freeform Portland!

Tell all the Franks you know!  Make sure to mention it as well to the Frankies, Franklins, & why the hell not the Francises (Franceses too).  It may be very flattering to them.  Or it may be a grave, grave insult.

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