
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Preface To Pulse: Not Really Much About Lentils, Sorry

To be fair, there will be some lentil content, but far more about the "beat" meaning of pulse.

Oh wait, you didn't know about that definition of pulse?  According to the Wikipedia, a pulse can also be "any agriculturally significant annual leguminous food crop, such as peas, beans, lentils, & chickpeas."

How I wish I could do an entire show about those pulses!  One day.  One day soon.

By the way, the word "pulse" meaning "throb" or "beat" is in no way related to the chickpea pulse.  The former comes from the Latin pulsus, meaning "beating from the blood in the veins" (as we use it now), while the latter comes from the Latin puls, which means "thick gruel, porridge, mush."  I guess mushy peas made them think of gruel or porridge as they slipped the word into English?

We're big fans of lentils here at Self Help Radio so I don't want you to think we forgot about them.  Especially as it's getting colder - a big ol' pot of lentil stew is just the ticket on long winter nights!  But for now - no radio show about them.  Alas!

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