
Thursday, January 23, 2020

Missing A Milestone

This past week I was so caught up remembering my sixteenth year I didn't even notice we passed 3300 posts on this blog.  Every time this happens, I want to go back & see what I was writing about way back when, but Blogger doesn't number the posts, so it's nearly impossible to see what I was writing about 30, 300, 3000 posts ago.  Or am I overthinking it?

This post here purports to be my three thousandth scribble on the blog.  It was written in November of 2018, when I couldn't have imagined I'd be living in Portland a year later.

My three hundredth post - which I did not identify as such - was written over a decade earlier.  It's called "First Podcast" because I did an episode of Self Help Radio despite KOOP having been shuttered briefly due to arson.  It mentions that I was questioned by fire department investigators.  That was true.  It was a surreal experience.

The thirtieth post was written in 2006, right before a Halloween show.  It just goes to show that I've been trying to explain why I explore the themes I do from the very beginning, although there is rarely any good reason.

Anyway, I am terrible at anniversaries & other milestones, so it's only natural that I forgot this one.  Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go watch Picard now.

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