
Friday, January 31, 2020

Things I'm Doing For The Radio Not On The Radio

Have I mentioned this before?  Let me see.  I have!  In three posts!  Which you've probably never read.  So I'll say it again.

One of the first things I did for KOOP in Austin was to be a trainer.  I had trained dozens of new deejays at KVRX when I was Program Director & KOOP needed someone to teach their FCC class.  The second Monday of the month was when the FCC & Orientation classes were.  As I mentioned when we lost him, dear Taylor Cage taught the Orientation class, I (who was a smoker then) would go outside to smoke & then come in all smelly & talk for an hour about the FCC, its sometimes murky rules, & the policies KOOP adopted to attempt to make sense of them, & also not get fined.

It was fun, & I got to meet a lot of people - it was neat to know everyone before everyone else.  At some point - I guess in October of 2002 - when I got a show, I volunteered to spend the hour before my show shepherding new volunteers who wanted to show off what they might do if they were given a show.  We called it "The Pilot Show" - I'm not sure if I came up with the name or not - after the term "television pilot" - & one of the cool things was I let people do more than one pilot show, so it encouraged folks to stick around.  Some of the people who currently have shows on KOOP did Pilot Shows with me.

At some point I mentioned that to the Program Director at KBOO, who liked the idea, & asked if I might want to do the same thing.  I said sure, & she set aside the fifth Friday of the month for me to hang out at the station with new trainees & let them do their thing.  I had forgotten that that was the plan until I got an email a week ago with the names of the folks coming up today.  So that's where I'll be tonight.

Most of these folks have been trained, most of them have radio experience, I'm just there to offer a little advice & be there for help.  It's almost exactly the same thing I did in Austin except it's for four hours in a row & not one - & I don't get to sneak downstairs for a smoke during the show.  Because KBOO doesn't have an upstairs, & also I don't smoke anymore.

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