
Sunday, February 09, 2020

Whither The Heart?

(Yer heart's too big, fella.  Image from here.)

Hey, Valentine's Day is coming up so it's time for another Self Help Radio Valentine's Day show!  In the past, we've explored love & hate, crushes & jealousy, boyfriends & girlfriends.  We've featured love songs & tried to figure out what love is.  We got ourselves lovesick & experienced heartbreak, though we kept flirting with all kinds of sweethearts (including famous lovers), some of whom got roses but all of whom got valentines.  This year it seemed appropriate to look at the figurative center of love, the heart.

Which is what we'll do! That's tomorrow, Monday morning, from 6 to 8am, on Freeform Portland, which you can hear at 90.3 & 98.3 fm + online at freeform portland dot org.  I'm sure we'll hear a little about the anatomy of the heart but I suspect we'll spend much more time in metaphor.  Love lives in metaphor.  Doesn't it?

This will be the sixteenth Valentine's Day show Self Help Radio has done in the seventeen & a half years of its existence.  Why not a show in 2006?  I think it might have been one of those times the station airing Self Help Radio was off the air.  Or I forgot.  We've all forgotten Valentine's Day once, haven't we?  & those who live to tell of it never forget again.

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