
Friday, June 26, 2020

Basement Quiz

When I decided to explore "basements" as a theme, the following songs - based on their lyrics - immediately made me think they would be good for the show - but they were ultimately rejected because the songs themselves were not about basements.

As an exercise, let me share with you the lyrics of songs that mention basements but are not songs about basements.  If you feel like treating this as a quiz, please answer as a comment.  Maybe I can find a prize for you!  But don't cheat - obviously you can find the answers at lyrics sites on the web.

Each lyric mentions a basement or basements.  Tell me the artist, song title, & the album.  Let's see how you do:

1) Someone's in the basement, mixing up the medicine

2) My friends out there rolling round the basement floor

3) I was lying in a burned out basement with the full moon in my eyes

4) In the basement bars, in the backs of cars

5) My heart's in the basement, my weekend's at an all-time low

6) Down in the basement, we hear the sound of machines

7) From every dingy basement on every dingy street, every dragging hand clap over every dragging beat

These are all songs I thought of when I thought about the theme "basement."  But - you won't hear them on Monday's show, because they're not really songs about basements.

But I'm curious if you know what the songs are!

1 comment:

Jonathan Caws-Elwitt said...

Is the first one from "I Can See But You Don't Know," by the Equals feat. Eddy Grant?

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