
Sunday, August 23, 2020

Whither A Giant Show?

(Image from here.)

Tomorrow - assuming you're reading this Sunday - or today - assuming you're reading this early Monday - or back on Monday the 24th - assuming you're reading this any other day - although if you're reading this every other day, you'll need to change all the verb tenses from present to past because the events about which this blog post is talking are happening really quite soon - tomorrow Self Help Radio is hosting "a giant show."  What does that mean?

Quite simply, it means a show about giants & giant things.  Quite complicatedly, it means that the original intention was songs about giants but at some point in the collection of songs about giants the songs about giant things had also amassed & some of them were really good & it was like, "Why exclude these things because they're giant too just not giants."  Quite Germanly, ich kann wirklich kein Deutsch. Ich habe einen Online-Übersetzer verwendet, um dies zu schreiben. Meine deutschen Vorfahren würden sich zutiefst schämen. Naja. Darf ich auch hinzufügen, daß ich drei schöne Hunde habe?

In any event, the event of tomorrow is Self Help Radio's "giant show."  It will happen at all altitudes where one can listen from 8-10am on 90.3+98.3fm Freeform Portland & online at

Listen!  It will make you feel like a giant!

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