
Sunday, August 02, 2020

Whither Flight?

(Image from here.)

Human beings can fly.  You have always known that.  You have always felt that you could fly.  You like to be high up in buildings.  You want to climb to the very tops of trees.  You go to the amusement parks & ride the rides which take you to where birds swoop & whirl.  It's not merely flight envy.  It's a kind of genetic memory: you remember that you can fly.

So why don't you fly?  Why do you fly only in dreams, or in airplanes, or (if you can) in gliders or helicopters?  Why don't you simply lift yourself off the ground & take your rightful place in the heavens?  Sleeping on a cloud, racing a sunbeam, avoiding the rain by climbing above it - these are all things you could be doing this very moment.  Why aren't you?

Have human beings forgotten how to fly?  Has gravity somehow betrayed us?  Have we let something as old as fear diminish the inborn desire to soar through the skies?

You may find answers on this week's episode of Self Help Radio, which airs from 8 to 10am Monday morning (that's tomorrow) on 90.3 & 98.3 fm Freeform Portland, online at Freeform Portland dot org.

Yes, there may be answers there.  But.  Maybe not.

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