
Monday, November 02, 2020

Whither Rings?

(Image from here.)

Do you wear a ring?  I do, but only because my wife tells me I could arrested for breaking the law if I don't.  Who wants to be arrested?  I mean, except bad people, am I right?

Certainly I'm no Ringo Starr, who wore a lot of rings because wearing a lot of rings helps you play the drums.  (I assume.)  I think he also felt the need to wear a lot of rings because his parents named him Ringo.  Imagine if his parents named him Stinko!

Anyway, the word "ring" doesn't have to mean "loop you wear on your finger or in your ear or in other, stranger places."  It can mean other things.  Often the bell rings in the boxing ring so people can pummel the heck out of one another.  Also, satellites can run rings around the rings of a planet.  You can ring someone on the phone while blowing smoke rings.  But one suspects a radio show about rings ought to focus on the sorts of rings one wears on one's finger, etc.  Oughtn't it?

Find out tonight - or tomorrow morning - however you count calendar-wise - on 90.7 fm KBOO, online at from midnight to three a.m.  It'll ring in Election Day, which may be the last day ever.  So perhaps don't waste it listening to a dumb radio show?

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