
Friday, February 12, 2021

Valentine's Day Films

(Image from IMDb.)

If you heard this week's Valentine's episode of Self Help Radio - & if you didn't, you can do so at the Self Help Radio website! - you heard another installment of Chuck's Happily Unsophisticated Cinema Korner featuring two specific kinds of Valentine's movies: a selection of "psychotronic + love" films; & a selection of films in which hearts are ripped out of bodies.  Chuck is nothing if not a romantic.

He has prepared Youtube playlists & IMDb lists for each!  The links for those are:

Psychotronic + Love YoutubePsychotronic + Love IMDb
Hearts Ripped Out YoutubeHearts Ripped Out IMDb

If you're like me, & have never heard the term "psychotronic" before, Chuck has provided as link: toward a definition of psychotronic film.

Chuck is our resident cinephile & you can keep up with his film watching on his Twitter feed, & read his Letterbox reviews right here.  He keeps adding to these even after the show!

Happy Valentine's Day!  Hopefully there's something here for you to watch.  Especially if you, like me, are a bit snowed-in this holiday weekend.

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