
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Preface To Lords & Ladies: Happy Valley

Before I watched Monty Python's Flying Circus, I listened to their records & I looked at their books.  Since their records & their books often were recreated (for their particular medium) from sketches that had appeared on the show, I often felt a weird familiarity when I saw the shows the first few times.  It's like I had listened to an audiobook or something of an episode of Star Trek, & finally saw the show.  Especially if Shatner & Nimoy did the voices in the audio book.

The reason I read the books & heard the records before seeing the shows is that my older brothers had them, & they were around, & I was a kid who loved to read & play records.  I didn't understand a lot of it - probably most of it - the Travel Agent sketch was a real mystery to me - but it was compelling enough that I would return to it again & again.  The books were even better - they were like Mad Magazine translated from a foreign language & delighted in being inscrutable & incomprehensible.  I love that.

There is a sketch I believe on Monty Python's Previous Record - imagine an album with that as a title! - called "Happy Valley" & it never appeared on any episode of the show I ever saw.  I loved it so.  A long form fairy tale with weird singing & a completely nonsensical story.  What a delight.

The reason I am bringing this up is I thought about playing it tomorrow night on the show, but it's really about a king & princess, & not necessarily about lords & ladies.  I guess I am trying to describe how stupidly rigid I can be when deciding content for the show.  That's not worth four paragraphs & minutes of your time, & I'm sorry, but wait, there's more!

The Pythons did film the "Happy Valley" sketch (it's much more like their long-form work in their last season) & but strangely enough for German TV & it never aired.  But of course there's Youtube.  & I just watched it for the very first time.  Imagine.  & you can watch it now too!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You're welcome.

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