
Saturday, March 06, 2021

What To Do At This Hour

In case you know what time it is.  If not, time is available on your electronic device.  Which is not to say it's actually time.  It's telling the time.  How weird it would be to not know the time.  Although for most of history most humans didn't know the time.  & if you knew the time & wrote it down, most humans could not have read the time.  We didn't know how to read or how to tell the time.  Most of the time.

It seems like it was important at one time to teach children how to tell the time.  Do they still do that?  Or has that technology gone the way of dialing a telephone?  It seems we should keep analog clocks around just so a child knows how to tell the time - the way at radio stations you should teach an aspiring disc jockey how to play a record even if they just want to use their laptops.

Not to brag, but I know how to tell the time.  & seeing what time it is, I think I might finish this book about swear words I've been reading.  Because I also know how to read.  Imagine that.

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